Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mowing Wet Grass Is A Bad Idea

It's just rained and your lawn desperately needs to be mowed. In other words, it could use a "Hair Cut" and you don't feel like waiting for a sunny day. The grass is wet and the lawn is drenched before breaking out that lawnmower you seriously should consider a few things. In this article, we will talk about why you definitely do not want to mow wet grass. We have included a few reasons on why you shouldn't.

  •  Lawnmowers aren't CHEAP
If you mow your lawn when the grass is wet you risk damaging or ruining your lawnmower. Your lawnmower is forced to work harder and wet grass can cause rust on metal parts underneath your mower. Wet grass can clump up and cause a clog in your lawnmower which can ruin the lawnmower itself.  

  • It Can Hurt Your Lawn 
Since the grass is not dry some blades of grass will be standing and some will not. When you go

to cut your lawn you will not get the blades of grass that are wet and weighed down by the rain
and this will cause "cowlicks" in your lawn. The blades of grass that do reach the mower will
not get properly cut which can cause fungus to spread throughout your lawn.

  • Mowing A Wet Lawn Is Extra Work
Do you like to mow the lawn? Mowing a wet lawn is just going to take you more time and effort than it would to mow a lawn that wasn't wet. The odds are you will have to mow the lawn again sooner than later because it wasn't cut properly. Cleaning up wet grass can also be a lot harder than cleaning up grass that isn't wet.

  • It's Unsafe
You want to make sure that you always go with safety first. Mowing wet grass can actually cause injury.  Wet grass can cause quite a slippery landscape. You could fall and hurt yourself or your lawnmower can slip on a slop or on a hill. You don't want to lose control of the mower and fall it could end up in serious injury. Make sure you don't use an electric mower in the rain or to mow wet grass also.

I hope this article brought some awareness to the dangers of mowing wet grass and how serious the consequences can be. We want everyone out there this spring and summer to practice safety first.

Here at CMG  Landscaping we provide landscaping service in Exton, Downingtown, Malvern, Chester Springs, and Phoenixville areas. Contact us today and let us take care of your landscaping needs.

 Contact us by phone at (484) 901-6635


Monday, March 30, 2020

Weekly Lawn Mowing

Have you ever walked passed that lawn with the grass so high you can't even see the fence?
Or lost a ball in a yard that looked like a jungle?
Or have you ever been paid to mow the neighbor's lawn as a kid with grass taller than you?

Mowing your lawn weekly can be hard to keep up with it and maintain. Let's be honest mowing your lawn every 2 weeks can be a pain let alone every week. In this article, we talk about why it's important to mow your lawn every week.

  • To Maintain Grass Health  
Do you know that it can actually hurt your lawn if you let your grass get too tall and then cut it short?
Well, it can. If you cut the grass too short it can actually cause your grass to go into hibernation and stop it from growing. A well-maintained lawn can recover faster than a lawn that is not kept up regularly.  Maintaining your lawn can also make you grass stronger which is important when cold weather arrives.
  • To Prevent Unwanted Pests and Disease 
If you let your grass get too long it can attract unwanted pests. Bugs, snakes and small animals can hide in tall grass. Bugs love to eat grass and borrow in the soil. You don't want to be walking in your grass in your backyard and be surprised by a nasty bug or even a snake. Not keeping up on your lawn can also cause disease to spread throughout your lawn.
  • Curb Appeal 
Keeping your lawn cut and presentable brings curb appeal to your property. If you are looking to sell your property in the future having curb appeal adds value to your property. Buyers are more likely to pay attention to homes that have a well-maintained yard. Every neighborhood has that lawn that is a sight for sore eyes don't let that be your yard this spring or summer.
  • Even Growth
A properly mowed lawn looks great. You can help your lawn maintain the look and an even growth by having your lawn mowed weekly. Your lawn can sometimes be uneven and patchy this can prevent that problem. This can also help your lawn get an even amount of sun and water and grow more consistently.

We hope this article was helpful! Unfortunately we dont provide lawn mowing services anymore but you can contact CMG landscaping for all of your other landscaping needs.

Monday, March 9, 2020

5 Tips On Trimming and Pruning Shrubbery and Bushes

Spring is coming and its time to have your shrubbery and bushes trimmed and pruned! Bushes and shrubbery can be the main focal point of a yard. Get a head start on prepping your backyard for the summer BBQs and family get-togethers. If you want your property to be the most talked about in the neighborhood here are some things you can start doing.

  • The Best Times To Have Your Shrubbery Trimmed And Pruned 
The best times to have your shrubbery trimmed and pruned are in late winter early spring. Typically in March and April. You want to make sure you are not doing a heavy pruning and you are doing a rejuvenating pruning or you can stop the flowers from growing by a few years.

  • Do Your Research Or Hire A Professional
Trimming and pruning can seem simple and it can be if you know what you are doing. Make sure you do your research first and you feel comfortable using hedge clippers pruning tools ex. Safety always comes first so if you don't feel comfortable or feel like you don't know what you are doing hire a professional to do it for you.
  • Young and Old Shrubbery And Pruning
Young shrubbery should be pruned lightly to make them grow more fuller. Over pruning, shrubbery can stunt their growth or cause damage. Older or neglected shrubs may need more extensive pruning. This process can take a long time for shrubbery that needs to be brought back to life so to speak. Shrubbery and bushes have different pruning and trimming specifics and it's important to be aware of that when doing it yourself.

  • Avoid Pruning Young or Newly Planted Trees
Avoid pruning young or newly planted trees. At this early stage, you only want to remove broken and dead branches. Young and newly planted trees need as many leaves as possible to produce food for themselves. This food is what is needed for the tree to have good root growth.

  • Trim Dead And Broken Branches 
Make sure you trim back all dead and broken branches in your shrubbery and bushes. This helps encourage new growth. This can also keep debris from falling onto your lawn and garden beds and prevent future problems. Trimming dead and broken branches can also help with maintaining the shape of the shrubbery or bush.

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed our article "5 Tips On Trimming and Pruning Shrubbery and Bushes!

Here at Buzz Cut Lawn and Landscape, we provide spring clean up services in Exton, Downingtown, Malvern, Chester Springs, and Phoenixville areas. Contact Buzz Cut today and let us take care of all your spring clean up needs this spring.

You can reach us by email at
Or contact us by phone at (484) 901-6635

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Property Maintenance All Year Round

If you own a home and have a property to maintain. You must maintain proper property maintenance throughout the entire year. Your home is an investment and the outside of your home is a reflection of that investment.  If you don't maintain your property regularly throughout the year you could find yourself a problem with unhealthy diseased plants and even unwanted pests. Regular maintenance can keep your lawn and plants healthy free of pests and save you money in the long run.
Let's talk about the most important things that you need to do for your property to keep it maintained year-round.

  •  Weekly Mowing 
Remember what I said, that your home was an investment?
Well, making sure you maintain a well-cut lawn is an important part of that investment.
It adds to your homes "Curb Appeal". At some point, you may want to sell your home and buyers pay more attention to homes with a well-maintained property. It's not just about the look. Having your lawn mowed every week helps keep your lawn healthy.

  •  Spring Clean up
Spring clean up is an important process to maintaining the health of your lawn. During the winter season snow that may have been left on your lawn can cause snow mold. This is a visible infection that can infect your lawn and leave patches of unhealthy grass. Salt can also cause damage to your lawn and leave behind brown patches. Broken branches limbs and debris can also be a problem. If the debris is left in your yard it can cause additional damage and harbor unwanted pests and disease. Having your bushes and shrubs pruned and dead plants removed can prevent the disease from spreading throughout your lawn.

  • Mid-Season Garden Bed Clean up 
It is important to have your garden beds cleaned up midseason because WEEDS grow EVERDAY!
If you want to maintain a beautiful flower bed or vegetable garden and help protect it you want to have your beds cleaned.  It also helps to have your garden beds cleaned midseason so you can be made aware of any unwanted pests or diseased plants. Sometimes critters can find a home in your garden and maintaining it properly can limit hiding places and damaged plants.

  • Fall Clean up
Leaves decay fast so you want to make sure you are raking your property of all leaves and debris regularly. Fall maintenance helps prevent bacteria, fungus, and spores that can be harmful or even deadly to your plants. Another reason fall clean up is so important is it helps prevent unwanted pests. A pile of leaves makes a great hiding place for pests and even small animals. Keeping your lawn free of leaves and debris allows your lawn to absorb nutrients and oxygen it needs to survive the winter.

In a nutshell. Maintaining your property creates VALUE and keeps your lawn HEALTHY!

The responsibility of maintaining a property year-round can be a lot of work! We hope you found this article helpful on why it's so important.

Here at Buzz Cut Lawn and Landscape, we provide all these services in Exton, Downingtown, Malvern, Chester Springs, and Phoenixville areas. Contact Buzz Cut today and let us take care of all your needs year-round!

You can reach us by email at
You can find us at
Check us out on Facebook at

Or contact us by phone at (484) 901-6635

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Top 3 Fall Clean Up Tips


Fall is a beautiful time of year! The colorful leaves that have fallen from the trees brighten the landscape with hues of orange-red and yellow. They are fun to play and jump in as a kid but as an adult, they can be quite a beautiful mess. Here are our top 3 fall tips for you this season.

1. Fall clean up should be performed anywhere from mid-Oct. to the end of Dec.

To keep your property properly maintained you want to perform a fall clean up about 3 times every 7 to 10 days. Fall clean up is an important part of maintaining your lawn. It allows your grass to breathe through the fall and grow roots that will last through the winter.

2. Blow or rack all the leaves and debris out of the yard, shrubbery, and garden beds.

This will help to keep your garden and your yard growing and healthy. Leaving an excessive amount of leaves through fall into the winter can attract unwanted pests and disease as discussed before in one of our previous articles posted. See article on "Winterizing Your Property"

3. Trim all shrubbery including seasonal shrubbery.

When you keep your shrubs trimmed you have a better chance of keeping away pests that spread disease. They may not kill a plant but they can weaken a plant and could cause fallen branches. Another reason to have your shrubs trimmed is healthy plants have a better chance of making it through the winter.

These are just our Top 3 Fall Clean Up Tips For The Season but depending on your property and its needs it could be more involved than just these 3 steps. We hope this article was helpful.

Here at Buzz Cut Lawn and Landscape, we provide fall clean up services to Exton, Downingtown, Malvern, Chester Springs, and Phoenixville areas. Contact Buzz Cut today and let us take care of all your fall clean up needs this season.

You can reach us by email at
You can find us at
Check us out on Facebook at

Or contact us by phone at (484) 901-6635

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Winterizing Your Property 101

Winterizing Your Property 101

There are a few things you want to do before the winter season approaches to prepare your lawn. If you are not familiar with winterizing your lawn we would like to explain why winterizing your lawn is so crucial and why it's important to do it before it gets too cold.

First, it is important to remove your lawn of all sticks, leaves and, debris. If your lawn is covered in leaves and you leave it through the winter season it can invite unwanted pests and even diseases. It can also cause problems like discolored grass and snow mold. If you have never heard of "snow mold" it is a type of fungus that kills the grass after the snow melts. Fungal spores from the snow mold can actually cause allergies and asthma attacks. Make sure you are thoroughly cleaning your property of all debris including the garden beds and have it removed off of your property as soon as possible.

As far as lawn care goes, you want to make sure all your shrubbery and trees are properly trimmed. This helps avoid any damage to your home from any falling branches due to heavy snow, ice or wind.

Finally depending on what type of grass you have you want to make sure you are fertilizing your lawn properly before the winter season starts. Do your research on the appropriate fertilizer to use and when to apply it. There are a few other lawn treatments that will benefit you come spring. Aerating your grass is one of them. Aerating your grass allows nutrients and water to reach the roots fast and easily and prevents the soil from becoming compacted or too hard. Another lawn treatment is over-seeding. Early or late fall is a perfect time to reseed any patchy or bare spots of grass you may have.

I hope this article was helpful. I know all this sounds like a lot but it doesn't have to be if you have the proper lawn care company to do it for you! Buzz Cut would love to handle all your winterizing needs and save you the stress and headache. We service Exton, Downingtown, Malvern, Chester Springs, and Phoenixville area.

You can reach us by email at
You can find us at
Check us out on Facebook at

Or contact us by phone at (484) 901-6635

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Do You Have A Snow Removal Contract

Do You Have A Snow Removal Contract ?

In this article, you will find some very helpful information on why having a snow removal contract in place before the winter season is so important.

Winter begins every year between Dec. 20th and Dec 23rd but when we will receive snowfall is always unpredictable.

As you know the weather forecasts aren't always reliable. You cannot predict how many snow storms you may have or the amount of snowfall you may receive throughout the winter ahead of time. This is one reason why it is important to set up a winter snow removal contract before the winter season starts. This way when snow does fall you will be prepared and have a contract in place

If you want to get ahead of the game, it is suggested to get a snow removal contract in the summer. Yes, I said summer and you can save some money by doing this. Early in the season, many contractors offer discounts to attract new business.

One thing you don't want to do is wait for the last min. to get a contract. You may be limited to resources if you wait for the last min. and that could cause your business not to be shoveled or removed of ice properly. Which could result in an accident or someone getting hurt?

Finally, make sure you obtain a contract with an ensured experienced contractor.
You want to make sure the services will be covered under adequate insurance in case any damage is done to the property. If you already have a snow contract in place make sure you ask them to show you their insurance policy and explain the scope of service.

I hope this has been helpful information for your business when coming into the winter season!

Here at Buzz Cut Lawn and Landscape, we service commercial sites with snow removal in Exton, Downingtown, Malvern, Chester Springs, and Phoenixville areas. Contact Buzz Cut today and let us take care of all your snow removal needs this winter season.

You can reach us by email at
You can find us at
Check us out on Facebook at

Or contact us by phone at (484) 901-6635

Mowing Wet Grass Is A Bad Idea

It's just rained and your lawn desperately needs to be mowed. In other words, it could use a "Hair Cut" and you don...